After that I dreamed I was in the Philippines, entering a musty dungeon-like place where orphans were kept. The orphans were scattered everywhere, and they were cabbage patch dolls. And pieces of cabbage patch dolls. I picked up one orphan who was just a cabbage patch head and had a whole conversation with him.

Last night, I discovered that I was missing a math credit from high school. Graduating had been an accident. Even though I already had my bachelors, I had to go back and make up that math credit by joining a kindergarten math class. In my dream, I had completed one semester and was back for the second. I sat at a five-year-old sized desk, surrounded by kindergartners who liked to laugh at me and a rather attractive teacher who paid little attention. I spent a good deal of my dream sneaking around the school, carrying a huge backpack. When I got to class, I realized I had dropped a pair of underwear somewhere in the school. The embarrassment would have been complete-- not only would my underwear be on display somewhere, but there would be no question as to whose it was. Five-year-old underwear vs. college grad underwear is

In other news, a friend who was recently in Africa told me that English in Uganda is pronounced exactly, without contractions. She asked for water, like an American asks for water ("May I have some wadder?") and was teased relentlessly by the kids ("Wad-der! Wad-der!"). Now, I gotta give props to a bunch of kids who will tease a native English-speaker for they way they pronounce English words. I should take on that attitude with the French-- "Haha! Parlay-vu! Parlay-vu!" See what they do with that.
Said Africa friend happens to be a college grad with your same dream problem. However she has a good handle on her undies.
ReplyDeleteI'm sending her this blog.