The past few days have been jam packed- mainly with awesomeness.
It all started with a hike with a few friends through a breath-taking landscape, glowing in the sun, despite which it entertained patches of snow and wisps of fog.
From there it's been an endless slide of moments that make me say "Sweet!" under my breath. Or "sheesh" but I'm trying to break that habit.
Hiking through the hills was followed by a mini-reunion of people who went to the Philippines. We didn't really do anything exceptional, but just being around the people who were there was refreshing. We didn't have to do anything special.
And then, there was Monday. It was supposed to be relaxed, slow. Instead it was filled with ringing phones and paperwork and accountant stuff I most assuredly have not mastered. And that was just work. To my horror, I ran out the door to realize I had an interview in less than half an hour. I realized this while looking at my outfit of corduroys, a T-shirt and flip-flops. There was no time to go home, so I actually bought shoes so I wouldn't look careless in the interview (Point of focus: I knew the T-shirt could be dealt with, the the cords pushed to the 'business casual point' if only the shoes were right. If the clothes make the man, the shoes make the clothes). I then interviewed with a woman who I'm convinced never once glanced at my feet.
I arrived at home with enough time to curse the clock, eat some cheese, as it was the only thing in my cupboard (by which I nearly sliced my thumb but settled for a superficial wound), change into flops and run out the door for- ta da! voice lesson number one. Naturally, I took a wrong turn, arrived 15 minutes late but had a fabulous time picking out an audition song with a lively, uninhibited woman with glasses, expressive eyes and one big, goofy sense of humor. An hour later, I emerged and once again, ran home.
I had one hour.
Microwaving a potato (I lied- I had cheese AND potatoes in my cupboard), I frantically searched out the monologue I'd selected for an audition that night. I know it's bad form, but let it go. I was able to refresh my memory enough to feel confident about winging it as far as acting is concerned. My friend showed up, we hopped in the car, running late (naturally). I forgot the address, guessed, and actually ended up next door to the place we needed to go. This in itself is miraculous because I manage to get lost between work and home, on average, once a week.
We ran in breathlessly and Reba gave the first audition of her life. I was outside the room, watching through a window, so I don't know how she sounded. But she looked completely relaxed.
For my part, I ran up on stage, jittery with nerves and harried energy, and let it fly. And yo
u know, I think it's the best audition I've given in this city. They had me sing then, which wasn't expected, and I think I butchered Happy Birthday, but I butchered it with style.
That done, I rushed back home, where I spent the next far-too-many-hours preparing for my 4am trip to the next photo shoot.
And all too soon, Tuesday was in full swing.

From there it's been an endless slide of moments that make me say "Sweet!" under my breath. Or "sheesh" but I'm trying to break that habit.
Hiking through the hills was followed by a mini-reunion of people who went to the Philippines. We didn't really do anything exceptional, but just being around the people who were there was refreshing. We didn't have to do anything special.
And then, there was Monday. It was supposed to be relaxed, slow. Instead it was filled with ringing phones and paperwork and accountant stuff I most assuredly have not mastered. And that was just work. To my horror, I ran out the door to realize I had an interview in less than half an hour. I realized this while looking at my outfit of corduroys, a T-shirt and flip-flops. There was no time to go home, so I actually bought shoes so I wouldn't look careless in the interview (Point of focus: I knew the T-shirt could be dealt with, the the cords pushed to the 'business casual point' if only the shoes were right. If the clothes make the man, the shoes make the clothes). I then interviewed with a woman who I'm convinced never once glanced at my feet.
I arrived at home with enough time to curse the clock, eat some cheese, as it was the only thing in my cupboard (by which I nearly sliced my thumb but settled for a superficial wound), change into flops and run out the door for- ta da! voice lesson number one. Naturally, I took a wrong turn, arrived 15 minutes late but had a fabulous time picking out an audition song with a lively, uninhibited woman with glasses, expressive eyes and one big, goofy sense of humor. An hour later, I emerged and once again, ran home.
I had one hour.

We ran in breathlessly and Reba gave the first audition of her life. I was outside the room, watching through a window, so I don't know how she sounded. But she looked completely relaxed.
For my part, I ran up on stage, jittery with nerves and harried energy, and let it fly. And yo

That done, I rushed back home, where I spent the next far-too-many-hours preparing for my 4am trip to the next photo shoot.
And all too soon, Tuesday was in full swing.
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