All right, we managed to get through two days of swing rehearsal with a lot of progress. Now we go dark for the week while I take up my other lives, the first being a play I'm directing. I've directed before, really I have, but this is entirely more complicated. Somehow. I'm being forced to learn to delegate. Happily, I have people to delegate to. We've got little kids involved, and moms who are present and ready to use their time to help. So a team of five women have taken on costuming and are researching, brainstorming and pulling out their sewing needles. I've got a volunteer Stage Manager and a girl who knows her lights stopping by this week. The hard part is the fact that the entire show is part of a larger program aimed at
teaching. So my Assistant Director is learning his role, as is my Stage Manager. I tend to throw out the schedule and assume they know when to be there and what to do. Not so. Now, if their director can figure that one out, they'll be on the trolley without a hitch.
We're only two weeks in and already my AD has had to take on rehearsal alone, thanks to the other life I lead: TV host. PBS is airing
EZ Tech University, the super awesome new how to tech show you should definitely check out! And yours truly has the honor of hosting! So that means running up to the city for shoots somewhere in between the director, producer and cameraman's schedules, not to mention mine. Timewise, I'm getting crushed, but as I'd rather act that eat, bring it on.
Oh, and then there's my job. Gotta feed your habits.
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