Aches and Pains

My sister started training me in weight-lifting, an activity I have never once had the slightest inkling of trying. However, after she did her first figure show, I saw the pictures and my jaw dropped. So you can actually sculpt your body? Show me.

So she did. We hit the gym (funny for me, very, very funny) and she started showing me how a weightlifter goes about it. At first, I was intimidated. I'd pick up my little 10 pound weights and struggle and strain while the guy next to me tossed his 150s around his head "just to warm up." Yikes. But I started getting more comfortable and now I even go by myself sometimes.

There is a downside to this. Without someone there to correct you, you can do horrible, horrible things. I think I did one of those Friday, because on Saturday I couldn't stand up straight. My lower back just throbbed! I walked slowly, cringed at the thought of climbing into my car and wanted to cry at ever moment because of the pain that wouldn't go away.

It's still there. Last night, I took a muscle relaxer. big guns to someone who takes ibuprofen for everything. I was actually nervous, afraid it would knock me out into oblivion. But no. Not only did it take me time to fall asleep, I woke up in the middle of the night and didn't sleep all that well. Tonight, I'm trying wine. They always say drunks don't get injured in wrecks because they don't tense up. Okay, let's put that theory into practice without hurting other people. I grabbed some hard cider a regular at work had brought in (I've been excited to try this stuff since apple harvest time) and gave the cap a slight twist. An impressive "SHHHH" was heard and I saw the bubbles rising up the neck of the bottle. While I tried tightening the cap, it squeaked and squirted all over me, my dresser, the carpet, the bathroom floor and everything else I met on my desperate dash to the bathroom sink. And it kept bubbling! By the time it stopped, I was effectively soaked in rum. I can still hear the air seeping through the lid, and am slightly afraid to try again. So I'm working on a bottle of zin. Beringer White Zinfandel, to be exact. It's good. I always avoided zin, but I see the draw.

We'll see how the alcohol works on my back. I'm really hoping it helps my muscles relax. I went to ballet tonight, and it was just embarrassing. Not only was my range of movement limited, I was so focused on avoiding pain in my back that I couldn't focus on anything. how may years of training? and the basics were out the window. Crap!

Half the bottle's gone and the cider is still whispering. This could turn into a long night.
