The dancers have been practicing before school and in the evenings until 8 or so. I'm tired, and I spend that time watching. They are getting drained. Two of the leads just joined in the past week and learned the entire routine inside of a day. But to see it all come together last night was pretty surreal. We did a sailor theme, with the boys in liberty whites and cracker jacks, the girls in simple dresses to hint at fleet week in the forties. And they looked SOO good!
As their coach, I'm crazy about detail. We have run through this routine, and pieces of it, so many times. Every time I call out "again!" I see the sighs. And yet..last night we caught sight of the pay off and I'm really excited for them to see that focus on the details and an endless pursuit of awesomeness actually makes a huge difference.
I'm really proud of my team.
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