The Laughter of the Dead

I've always loved walking through cemeteries, and before you start thinking that's creepy, know that there is a large population of the living who love to haunt graveyards. Call it prevenge.

It's fantastic to read the words by which people choose to be remembered. I've seen poems, usually about the darkness of death offset by the glory into which the deceased has now passed. Not disciplined in recording these, however, I perused The Epitaph Browser to find the following:

  • Wife of Peter Leslie
    She was!
    But words are wanting to say what.
    Think what a wife should be,
    And she was that.

  • Christopher Wren
    If you seek my monument,
    look around you

  • John T. McMahon
    He was a failure as a husband and father
    He was insane 15 years because of liquor
    But died sober
    May Christ have mercy on his soul
    He was not a pilgrim

  • Owen Moore
    Gone away
    Owin' more
    Than he could pay.

  • *This one's on a plaque fixed to the bottom of a headstone of a 4-year-old*
    Sacred to the Memory of
    Eliza Crowhurst

    A devoted mother who carved this headstone
    On this grave and wheeled it in a barrow
    From Percydale to the cemetery
    To erect it thereon.
    The memory of the just is blessed
    Mother's Day Avoca 1963

  • Bonnie Anderson
    I don't want to talk
    About it now.

  • Abe Bell
    He has gone to the only place
    where his own works are excelled.

  • Anne and Charles Lindbergh
    ...If I take the wings of the morning
    dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea....

  • Alfonso Luis Herrera
    El error tiene la victoria, pero la verdad tiene la esperanza
    (Error has the victory, but Truth has the hope)

  • Fritiof Nilsson Piraten
    Här under är askan av en man som hade vanan att skjuta allt till morgondagen. Dock bättrades han på sitt yttersta och dog verkligen den 31 jan 1972"
    (Here beneath rest the ashes of a man who was in habit of always postponing everything till the day after. However, at last he improved and really died Jan 31 1972)

  • Thomas O. Murphy

  • Elizabeth Rich
    Honey you dont know what you did for me,
    always playing the lottery.
    The numbers you picked came in to play,
    two days after you passed away.
    For this, a huge monument I do erect,
    for now I get a yearly check.
    How I wish you were alive,
    for now we are worth 8.5

  • Conrad Aiken
    Cosmos Mariner, Destination Unknown

  • Edward Elliot
    To the memory of
    Everett Edward
    Of the heroic crew
    S.S. "Titantic" Died on duty
    April 15, 1912
    Age 24 years

    Each man stood at his post
    While all the weaker ones
    Went by, and showed once
    More to all the world
    How Englishmen should die.

  • Joshua Norton
    Emperor of the United States
    and Protector of Mexico

  • William Jackson
    who Was carelessly rode over
    And Killed returning from the
    Races May 21st 1831 Aged 21 Years

    O Henecy you did me Kill
    And would not Pay my Dockters Bill
Every now and then I hear someone say, "Make big decisions in a cemetery."
It stands to reason. If the dead could laugh, they would laugh at the worries of the living. If I had to choose my epitaph now, I think it would say, "Why worry about it?"


  1. "wheeled it in a barrow"

    I guess it would be that wouldn't it. A wheel barrow I mean. If wheeling something in a wheel barrow is redundant. However, can you really wheel something?


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